Empower EMR is an all-in-one PT EMR platform with everything you need in one place.
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Empower is made for outpatient PT practices.
If you're an outpatient PT practice of any shape or size then we can help make your practice better at a price that you can afford. We make life better for everyone in the practice.
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Midsize Practice
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We're not just here with you, we're here for you.
Check out the many resources that we make available to you completely for free. Use our expertise and research to make your PT practice even better.
Patient Engagement in Healthcare: How It Impacts PT Recovery
Physical Therapy Goals: Guiding Patient Success and PT Growth
Physical Therapy Billing Guide
Physical Therapy Technology Buying Guide
Are you maximizing insurance reimbursements in your state? Here's the guide to make sure you are boosting your revenue!
Discover powerful patient engagement strategies to elevate your physical therapy practice.
Enhance the patient experience in physical therapy with proven techniques for improved satisfaction and retention.
Learn strategies for patient acquisition to grow your physical therapy practice efficiently and effectively.
EMR vs. EHR in PT management. Understand the key differences and choose the right system to optimize your practice.
Patient communication tips for PTs. Learn effective strategies to build rapport, improve outcomes, and boost satisfaction.
Stay informed with the 2024 physical therapy fee schedule, essential for PTs to navigate billing and optimize patient care.
Learn to boost PT revenue using financial analytics in 2024; essential tips for maximizing your clinic's financial health.
Explore key KPIs for physical therapy excellence in 2024, ensuring top-notch patient care and clinic efficiency.
Navigate the complexities of physical therapy productivity standards and learn how to balance efficiency with quality care.
Discover how to make 2024 your PT clinic's most successful year with innovative approaches and efficient management.
PT Compact states allow PTs to practice in multiple states with ease. Learn what it is, how it works, PT compact states and rules, as well as the costs involved.
Concierge physical therapy has recently grown in popularity. Read the top pros and cons of a concierge business model to decide if you should offer it.
Opening a new private physical therapy practice or reviewing the equipment your established practice has? Check out this handy blog post to see key considerations.
This blog post will give you helpful tips on setting up a website for your physical therapy practice and how to make the most of it
Travel physical therapy is growing in popularity, and there can be many advantages. Before jumping in, consider our top travel PT pros and cons
Is trademarking your physical therapy practice's name worth trademarking? This blog post will talk about trademarking, if it's worth it, and how to do it.
Diversify your PT patient base and revenue streams with the proper marketing, referral structure, and service offerings for your physical therapy practice.
Physical therapy referrals can greatly impact your business. Learn how to increase physical therapy referrals & the advantages of tracking these metrics.
Branding and marketing is key to your physical therapy practice's success. This blog posts takes you through some important strategies to help win you business from patients and physicians alike.
October is National Physical Therapy Month! Here are some of the best ways your clinic can celebrate and promote it.
Whether you're starting up a brand new practice or are an established practice looking to plan for the future, a business plan is key.
Discover the benefits of offering physical therapy and wellness together. Learn how pt and wellness can improve patient outcomes, attract new clients & more.
Check out this blog post to learn best practices for responding to patient reviews, efficiently and effectively.
Once you've got a patient, it's crucial that you keep that patient for the duration of their need both for their outcome and yours.
Finding ways to improve physical therapy patient experiences is essential to your practice’s success. Here are eight methods for doing so.
Patient satisfaction improves retention and helps drive new patients to your practice by way of referral. With some simple steps, you can boost patient satisfaction.
With relatively small changes, you can improve your practice's marketing. Investments in marketing can help you attract new patients and to leverage existing patients for more revenue.
Physical therapy core values encompass both of these things and more. Let’s take a look at core values in physical therapy.
Want to bring more patients into your practice? Check out this article to discover the 6 must-know niche services PT practices can offer to bring in more business.
2020 is here and in a lot of ways, it's a new world. This blog post explores top issues for PT practices and ideas to tackle them.
Recent stimulus packages have been made available in response to COVID-19. There are programs you may want to consider for your PT Practice.
One of the most important things you can do is to communicate with your patients during a crisis. This blog posts explores tips that can help you in that task.
Now is the time to be assessing every aspect of your practice. Front desk and billing operations should be right up there.
Ready to take your practice to the next level in 2020? These 6 resolutions will help you make the most out of the year and set you up to thrive.
Learn more about how to harness KPIs (key performance indicators) to track the progress of your physical therapy practice. It's easier than you think.
Medicare has released more MIPS data, this time for 2019. Should your PT practice report MIPS? Take a look at the data before you decide.
Physical therapy podcasts are not only fun & a way to stay current with pt news and trends, they can serve as training & enrichment for yourself and your staff.
When it comes to hiring you might be thinking of considering hiring contract or per diem PTs instead of full time employees. This blog post explores this idea.
Wondering how to set up the most effective PT management structure? Start here with the essentials every practice owner needs to start or grow their organization.
Don't have a manual for your practice then you're at big risk in terms of compliance & physical therapy practice continuity. Learn how to put one together!
The United States is experiencing an ongoing physical therapist shortage. Wondering what this about or how to overcome it? See this blog post.
Wondering how your PTs can provide a better physical therapy experience? Check out this ultimate guide for tips on how to master the art of patient care!
There are several ways to maximize profit in your physical therapy practice. Here are four essential methods to increasing profit that you can focus on today.
Physical therapy liability insurance: Is it worth it for your clinic? Discover everything you need to know in our article.
Learn how you can maintain your top-performing physical therapists and help grow your business with a strong employee retention strategy.
Wondering what's changing in ownership and management of PT practices in the new normal? Check out this blog post for more.
Create a positive work environment for your PTs and PTAs. Read our best practices for combating employee burnout and motivating physical therapy staff.
The physical therapy landscape changed dramatically in 2022. PTs are rallying to conquer some of the top issues in physical therapy practices across the United States. And while items like self-care are still on the list, clinics have adjusted their protocols to offer modern solutions for patients who need them most. Let's explore the five most significant issues facing physical therapists in 2023 and how to solve them.
Discover the importance of using physical therapy benchmarks to track patient progress, compare outcomes, and identify areas for improvement in the clinic.
In this article, you’ll discover the best way to measure a physical therapist’s key performance metrics using an objective and subjective review process.
Every PT is being asked to do more with less time. Making the most of your eval time with a patient is important in setting the course of care off on the right foot.
Having employees work from home? Check out this article for tips on maanging employees that are working remotely.
Learn how to hire a physical therapist that fits your practice's needs. Read our best tips for recruiting & interviewing qualified PTs.
Learn how to prepare and conquer every meeting for your practice with this decisive guide to running excellent physical therapy staff meetings.
Having trouble attracting new talent at your PT practice? You're not alone. Check out this article to discover the best ways you can implement immediately to bring in the best physical therapists on the job market.
Are you wondering how to find the best PT talent? Read this article to learn impactful tips on attracting and retaining the best physical therapists at your practice.
Creating a financial forecast for your physical therapy practice is challenging. This article will outline the best practices involved when estimating your practice's future success.
Clinic metrics are essential to your physical therapy practice’s growth. Here are the most useful healthcare metrics for PTs to track.
Struggling to find the ideal work-life balance as a PT? Check out these top 8 tips for PTs to find Zen in your personal life and professional career.
Want to motivate and build your physical therapy team? Check out this article to discover the 8 most powerful strategies to unlock better performance, outcomes and teamwork in your PT practice!
Get a head start on 2022 with the 7 most influential tips for leveling up your PT practice. Gain valuable insight into practice management, marketing, and other tips to help you get ahead of the competition.
Implementing a team approach to patient care can boost productivity and patient outcomes. But how can you do it the right way? In this guide, you’ll learn the 6 most important tips to succeed at your PT practice.
Everyone needs some help from time to time. Here are some ways to know if your practice could benefit from outside help.
Get 5 ideas you can try TODAY to improve your physical therapy practice. There are never enough hours in the day, make the most of them!
Measuring PT producitivty comes in a variety of forms. This blog article investigates different ways to measure PT productivity.
If you've got staff with extra time during the COVID-19 and are trying to avoid layoffs, use this time to work on goals and make the most it.
Check out 3 simple things you can do to give your practice a physical therapy billing checkup. Gain some peace of mind by following these simple steps.
If you're planning to accept Medicare at your PT practice, it's key to understand when Medicare will pay for PT services. Learn more in this post.
Is RCM the right option for your practice? Check out this blog to see some factors that can help you decide the best course.
Challenges often lead to opportunities. See this blog post for challenges facing PT practices and some ideas about how to overcome them.
Problems with your current physical therapy billing system? PTs can look for these 7 signs that it's time for an update.
So much to do, so little time! This blog post can help you get organized as a PT Clinic Owner so that you can make the most of your time.
Did you know that Medicare covers outpatient physical therapy services when provided in the home under Part B? Check out this article for more details.
Medicare has released its latest MIPS data, take a look to see what happened in 2018 and what it means for your physical therapy practice in 2020.
Interested in what's coming in 2020 for your private physical therapy practice? This round-up helps you get a sense for what to look for in 2020.
The path to an automated PT practice starts right here, right now. We invite you to join us for a personalized demo.