Empower EMR is an all-in-one PT EMR platform with everything you need in one place.
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Empower is made for outpatient PT practices.
If you're an outpatient PT practice of any shape or size then we can help make your practice better at a price that you can afford. We make life better for everyone in the practice.
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We're not just here with you, we're here for you.
Check out the many resources that we make available to you completely for free. Use our expertise and research to make your PT practice even better.
Patient Engagement in Healthcare: How It Impacts PT Recovery
Physical Therapy Goals: Guiding Patient Success and PT Growth
Physical Therapy Billing Guide
Physical Therapy Technology Buying Guide
Are you maximizing insurance reimbursements in your state? Here's the guide to make sure you are boosting your revenue!
As 2024 draws to a close, physical therapy organizations should turn their attention to operational compliance strategies that ensure adherence to both regulatory requirements and the promotion of objective evidenced-based patient care.
Explore telerehabilitation physical therapy with APTA's new guidelines to expand your practice's reach and impact.
Learn how modern software ensures the security and privacy of physical therapy patient data.
Defensible documentation for physical therapy protects PTs from legal issues. Learn what to include in your documentation to ensure it meets legal standards.
Functional outcome measures are used to reliably document patient improvement of function. Click to read about physical therapy outcome measurement tools.
Learn the definition of work conditioning & work hardening, how to classify PT treatments for each, and the appropriate CPT codes for workers' comp billing.
If your practice has found itself thrown into work from home and telehealth, don't forget to be mindful of HIPAA. Some basics will go a long way.
As of 3/30, Medicare has still not approved PT, OT, or SLP as telehealth providers.
PT Compact states allow PTs to practice in multiple states with ease. Learn what it is, how it works, PT compact states and rules, as well as the costs involved.
If you are participating in MIPS, please check out this article for important information about relief that CMS is giving to providers due to current events.
With Medicare Part B changes on the horizon could the SMART Act be the relief your PT practice is looking for?
Remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM) has various benefits for PTs. Discover how to implement RTM in your physical therapy practice.
HHS has again extended the public health emergency related to COVID which means that telehealth will continue to be covered. Read more here.
Wondering with the No-Surprises-Act means for your practice? Check out this blog to learn more!
Intersted in becoming a physical therapist? This blog post will help you understand the path from student to physical therapist.
Learn more about the final 2022 CMS fee schedule and how it relates to PTA reimbursement.
Worried about HIPAA compliance for your physical therapy practice? Check out this blog post about 3 things you can do in 30 minutes to improve compliance.
If you're still hanging onto an old computer with Windows 7, it's time to move on! This will help ensure that your Physical Therapy practice is HIPAA compliant.
Learn the difference between habilitation and rehabilitation, when to use modifier 96 vs 97, and how to meet provider reporting requirements.
CMS has notified the APTA that they are reversing course on the most problematic coding edits that went into effect on Jan 1, 2020. Read more here.
You work hard to earn patients. This blog post offers ways to make sure you're retaining them throughout the course of care to have the best outcomes.
Learn what HIPAA means for your outpatient PT practice and how to be effective with your compliance.
Learn more about the therapy cap for 2022 and stay on top of Medicare compliance for your PT Practice.
Medicare has released the proposed rule for 2021. Check out this blog post to learn about important Medicare changes potentially coming in 2021 and beyond.
Medicare has released the final rule for 2020. Check out this blog post to learn about important Medicare changes coming in 2020 and beyond.
Learn about changes to Medicare's MIPS program for the 2020 calendar year. Learn if any changes will impact your practice.
Ready to take your practice to the next level in 2020? These 6 resolutions will help you make the most out of the year and set you up to thrive.
Medicare has released more MIPS data, this time for 2019. Should your PT practice report MIPS? Take a look at the data before you decide.
Need to know how to handle workers' compensation for your PT practice? This post is for you!
Tune up your physical therapy EMR today with these 3 simple tips. Be more efficient, improve compliance, and produce better documentation.
If you're planning to accept Medicare at your PT practice, it's key to understand when Medicare will pay for PT services. Learn more in this post.
Challenges often lead to opportunities. See this blog post for challenges facing PT practices and some ideas about how to overcome them.
Considering switching to Medicare or starting a practice? Check out this all-inclusive guide that details the Medicare process, what physical therapy guidelines PTs need to know, and how to choose the proper reimbursement system.
Problems with your current physical therapy billing system? PTs can look for these 7 signs that it's time for an update.
Compliance is never one and done. Check out this blog post to learn tips and tricks that help get your practice compliant and keep it that way.
Medicare has now opened the door for physical therapists, occupational thearpists, and speech language pathologists to offer telehealth services during COVID-19
Medicare has announced some telehealth rules which may allow you to bill for tele visits. Read more in this blog post.
Medicare has released its latest MIPS data, take a look to see what happened in 2018 and what it means for your physical therapy practice in 2020.
Interested in what's coming in 2020 for your private physical therapy practice? This round-up helps you get a sense for what to look for in 2020.
The path to an automated PT practice starts right here, right now. We invite you to join us for a personalized demo.