Empower EMR is an all-in-one PT EMR platform with everything you need in one place.
Get everything that you need in one place, from one company. Explore the many automation features to right and see all that we have for you.
AI & Automations
Make everything in your practice work better and faster through our dozens of automations.
Empower is made for outpatient PT practices.
If you're an outpatient PT practice of any shape or size then we can help make your practice better at a price that you can afford. We make life better for everyone in the practice.
Easy to Use
Medicare Compliance Tools
HIPAA Compliant
100% Web-Based
How Do We Compare?
Frequently Asked Questions
Front Desk
Large / Enterprise practice
Midsize Practice
Small or Solo Practice
Start-up Practice
Insurance And Cash
Insurance Based
We're not just here with you, we're here for you.
Check out the many resources that we make available to you completely for free. Use our expertise and research to make your PT practice even better.
Patient Retention for Physical Therapists: The Ultimate Guide
Patient Engagement in Healthcare: How It Impacts PT Recovery
Physical Therapy Billing Guide
Physical Therapy Technology Buying Guide
Boost patient adherence in physical therapy with practical tips and innovative tools.
Having the right physical therapy equipment on hand can help PTs offer the most effective care for their patients.
Should your PT practice implement a team treatment system? Check out this article to understand the benefits and how to put one in place at your PT practice.
What are the Physical Therapy Specialties and what are the Benefits of having Physical Therapy Specialty Certifications?
Want to be a more productive PT? Check out these 8 essential tips and tricks you can implement immediately to speed up your physical therapy documentation.
Looking to streamline documentation and make your PT practice more efficient? Read this article for the top 7 ways physical therapists can speed up their notetaking procedures.
In the physical therapy space, innovative advancements have continuously evolved to help enhance recovery and accelerate mobility after an injury, accident, or serious health event.
PT advocacy is essential to forming strong patient relationships & optimizing care. Learn how being a patient advocate can help you improve patient outcomes.
Functional outcome measures are used to reliably document patient improvement of function. Click to read about physical therapy outcome measurement tools.
Learn the definition of work conditioning & work hardening, how to classify PT treatments for each, and the appropriate CPT codes for workers' comp billing.
Concierge physical therapy has recently grown in popularity. Read the top pros and cons of a concierge business model to decide if you should offer it.
The path to an automated PT practice starts right here, right now. We invite you to join us for a personalized demo.